
Pintu PVC LKS 70x195cm (Bisa custom ukuran)

Rp. 450,000
Last Updated
06 Jul 2024
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Minimum Order
10 Unit
Pintu PVC
In appearance, PVC doors are no less than ordinary doors in general, because there are lots of PVC doors that have attractive designs. So you can use it in all rooms. For more details, below are some of the advantages of using PVC doors for bathrooms:
The price of PVC doors is cheaper than ordinary wooden doors. You don't need to spend a fortune to buy a PVC door.
PVC doors can be a good heat insulator. The temperature in the bathroom can be maintained and still feel warm.
Unlike wooden doors, PVC doors are not affected by humidity and become rotten due to being exposed to air for a long time.
This type of door also cannot be attacked by termites and simply destroyed. This is what makes this door last a very long time.
The varied appearance makes it easier to choose a door with a design that suits your wishes and the appearance of your home.
Its light weight makes the door installation process easier and does not require special skills.
PVC products can last between 50 to 80 years outdoors and 100 years or more indoors. Plus, because PVC is long-lasting, it doesn't need to be replaced as often as other products, so it's good for the environment.
Does PVC break easily?
This is because PVC material is stronger and does not break easily, thereby minimizing leaks that occur on the roof of the house

1. Specifications:
Frame: 70x197x10cm
Door Leaf: 60x190x4cm
Material: PVC
Material Thickness: -+ 1mm PUSO
Openings: LEFT / RIGHT
2. Package Completeness:
1 unit of door frame and leaf
1 psg Stainless Steel Hinge
1 unit Handle l (Installed)
1 set of Fischer and screws to install the frame
3. Product Features / Advantages:
- PUSO Class PVC material, thick and durable
- Anti-termite, anti-rust and anti-air
- Luxurious appearance at an affordable price
4. Uses
- For the bathroom
- For the bedroom
- For Washing / Drying Room
- For Warehouse
We accept unit or bulk purchases
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