
Plafon PVC Premium 30cm x 290cm x0.9mm

Rp. 130,000
Last Updated
04 Jul 2024
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Durable and leak-proof
The first advantage of PVC ceilings is that the ceiling material is more durable and also leak-proof. This is because PVC material is stronger and does not break easily, thereby minimizing leaks that occur on the roof of the house.
Diverse and elegant designs
Ceilings made from PVC also have more diverse designs and are more elegant to use. Some people admit that using a ceiling made of PVC will give a luxurious and elegant impression to the room where the PVC ceiling is applied.
The design can be adjusted to the room theme
You can also choose the latest PVC ceiling design to match the theme used in the room. For example, it has a masculine theme because it is used in a boy's room, so you can use dark or neutral colors to give a stronger masculine impression.
More affordable prices
The price of PVC ceilings is also claimed to be more affordable than the prices of other types of ceilings. So it could be an alternative if you want to install and use a ceiling in your house but have a limited budget.
Not easily damaged
PVC type ceilings also have the advantage of not being easily damaged, broken or experiencing other problems. Even if there is damage, you can repair it immediately at a more affordable repair cost.
Anti termites and fungi
If you are still unsure about installing a PVC ceiling, know that this ceiling has the advantages of being anti-termite and anti-fungal. So there won't be any problems even if you install it in a room that is damp or has high water content.
The installation process is easy and fast
The process of installing a PVC ceiling is also fairly easy and fast. The process is not as complicated or expensive as other ceiling installation costs. This is also what many people consider when choosing a PVC ceiling.
Easy to clean
The final advantage is that PVC ceilings are easy to clean regularly. The material is made of plastic, so the ceiling material can be cleaned with just a rag or long broom.
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